Times and Sorensens

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Chase's Birthday

Playing with a padlock that was a favorite of mine as a little girl.  Ting!

This is a contender for cutest picture ever - his little face/expression!

That chocolate cake is probably our favorite.  It keeps showing up for birthdays (and maybe a few other occasions).  Recipe found here

We sure love this little guy.  I can't believe he's three (sniff, sniff).

Halloween 2018

Halloween morning, Lucas and Caden got ready to be zombies for school.  Their school doesn't allow kids to wear costumes on Halloween but they held crazy hair day as a compromise.

(l-r) Chase is a little buccaneer (wearing the same costume Daniel wore at that age and won Best Costume at the ward Halloween party!  A proud moment for us), Caden is a Halo character (I can't remember which one...and no, he's not allowed to play Halo), Lucas is a character from Fortnite (he made the mask and fashioned the costume himself), and Liam is Link from Zelda.

Caden's haul:

Fall Photos

This was the first sign of fall, pumpkins showing up at Fred Meyer.  That Chase really wanted to climb on :)

A trip to Oregon Heritage Farms' pumpkin patch.  We had so much fun!  These three are posing at the entrance to a giant apple bouncy house.  Why not a giant pumpkin bouncy house, you ask?  Well, it's an apple farm and it seems they use the giant apple year round.  We all decided it could easily disguise as a pumpkin for the fall, but that would be a lot of orange paint.


As you can tell, we couldn't have asked for better weather.  It. was. perfect.  


Caught in the spider's web!  How will he escape?

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Medicine Shelf Miracle

Several inexpensive baskets from Dollar Tree were all the inspiration I needed to organize the closet in our master bath.  It was always SUCH a disorganized mess.  When we moved in we just shoved our medicine and a bunch of other things in it and called it good until we could get to it at a later time.  So....10 years later I finally showed that closet who's boss.

 It was quite the ordeal to access the medicine, first aid supplies and other random things all those years.  I tried to keep things in groups (pain relievers, allergy medicines, band aids, toiletries, etc) but it was such a joke.  You had to wade through so much stuff to find what you needed and you'd knock over a bunch of of other things in the process.

I almost wish I had a 'before' picture so you could appreciate the true beauty of this transformation, but actually I think I'm doing us all a favor by not (shudder).

I'm really on a roll here!  It feels sooooo good.