Aaron Meyer Concert!
A super highlight for us this summer was the opportunity Joshua and Daniel had to perform at the Hillsboro Concerts in the Park series with rock violinist Aaron Meyer. He and his band put on a fabulous show and Joshua and Daniel’s violin group were invited onstage to perform a set during the intermission.
We only had about 48-hour notice that the performance would actually be happening so it felt kind of whirlwind. It was an amazing experience but also kind of surreal since I didn't know just how amazing it would turn out to be until we were physically there. When the boys and I arrived at the venue I was blown away by the crowd of concert-goers. It was by far the largest audience Joshua and Daniel would be performing in front of.
They absolutely loved it and we were thrilled when Aaron Meyer himself joined them onstage and played along. It was a really great surprise, so gracious of him!
Joshua literally could not stop talking about how much he loved it all and even Daniel said he “liked playing with Aaron Meyer" which is saying a lot for my budding yet reluctant violinist ;)
We are now total fans and look forward to getting some of his music and attending more concerts. It really was an awesome show. He is an amazing musician and has a flavor all his own. It just worked so well in that outdoor setting with the evergreens and dusk falling all around. Wish you could have been there with us but hope you’ll enjoy these pics!
Joshua totally threw in his vibrato during the performance! Made his momma proud!