Our Latest Walker!
That's right, we have a new walker in the family! This is the fourth time we've had this experience and it's such a fun thing, each and every time. Caden is our latest walker in that he is the most recent but also he is the oldest at 14 months. Here's the breakdown of when each of our boys started walking:
Joshua: 12 1/2 months
Daniel: 10 months
Lucas 10 months
Caden: 14 months
Since the two before him started walking early it made this seem late, but honestly I wasn't in any kind of a hurry. The crawling stage is so adorable and once it's done it's done and they never go back. I've been enjoying Caden's crawling for all its worth.
He's been tentatively toddling around for a little while now, but I would say in the last day or two he has finally gotten serious about it. It seems that he's now adopted walking as his main method of getting around and chooses it over crawling. I guess his DNA or whatever it is let him know it was time to get down to business!
We're so proud of Caden and appreciate his efforts in reaching this important milestone. We all just adore this little guy. His big brothers have been behind him all the way, cheering him on and celebrating him in this undertaking. They are so so supportive and it warms my heart to no end.
Call me a sentimental mom, but I see a real foundation laid for these boys to be a source of support and brotherhood for each other throughout their lives. There is something very special about their getting to be four brothers together, in two sets of two, even, with how the timing worked out. It is incredibly important to me that I do all I can to foster and encourage these special relationships to help them grow into what they can and should be.
Okay, now I'm making myself all teary-eyed so I'll stop there. Hooray for Caden walking! Hooray for our boys!
He actually mugged for the camera for the first time during this little photo shoot! |