A Merry Christmas Indeed
We had a wonderful Christmas this year and were blessed to have my parents with us. They were here for a nice long visit and we enjoyed so many activities together. They got to come with us to both Joshua's and Daniel's school Christmas performances/parties and we spent a lot of time just doing simple things like feeding the ducks at the pond behind our library, going to Family Buffet Night at our local Round Table (yum!) etc. Also, it turned out to be great timing that the boys and I finished reading the first Harry Potter book during their visit because we were then able to watch the movie with my Mom, who is a fan (we've since started on the Chamber of Secrets, by the way!).
Anyway, here are lots of pictures!
Daniel's preschool Christmas performance (he's on the left):
The kids sorting out the presents Christmas morning (even baby helped!):
Dad enjoying a classic gift (for those who know Dad!):
Sigh. What are we getting ourselves into? Wait, I don't mean that. I've talked to lots of moms and this can be a fun thing for our family without getting out of hand... right? We did make them wait over a year to get one and I'm hoping the delayed gratification will have some residual benefits:
Unfortunately our original Roomba didn't survive our move from San Diego so well. We had always intended to upgrade someday...and Jake decided to surprise me for Christmas and make someday now! Oh how I missed you Roomba and we welcome you into our home with open arms:
Remember TinTin? Joshua loves them and as you can see is very happy to have a new one to add to his collection:
Daniel being silly with our Christmas stockings. Lucas got his from my Mom this year and I was so excited! Don't worry, I made Daniel take them off right after I took the picture. You don't think I was encouraging him by taking a picture of his antics, do you ;)
Lucas loved his squishy squeaky blocks!
And his classic Fischer Price telephone (who didn't have one of these growing up?) Sorry the picture's fuzzy:
Again we were so glad to share the holiday with my parents. They were incredibly helpful while here and I am so thankful for the way they were able to spend time with the kids and get to know them better.
Anyway, here are lots of pictures!
Daniel's preschool Christmas performance (he's on the left):
The kids sorting out the presents Christmas morning (even baby helped!):
Dad enjoying a classic gift (for those who know Dad!):
Sigh. What are we getting ourselves into? Wait, I don't mean that. I've talked to lots of moms and this can be a fun thing for our family without getting out of hand... right? We did make them wait over a year to get one and I'm hoping the delayed gratification will have some residual benefits:
Unfortunately our original Roomba didn't survive our move from San Diego so well. We had always intended to upgrade someday...and Jake decided to surprise me for Christmas and make someday now! Oh how I missed you Roomba and we welcome you into our home with open arms:
Remember TinTin? Joshua loves them and as you can see is very happy to have a new one to add to his collection:
Daniel being silly with our Christmas stockings. Lucas got his from my Mom this year and I was so excited! Don't worry, I made Daniel take them off right after I took the picture. You don't think I was encouraging him by taking a picture of his antics, do you ;)
Lucas loved his squishy squeaky blocks!
And his classic Fischer Price telephone (who didn't have one of these growing up?) Sorry the picture's fuzzy:
Again we were so glad to share the holiday with my parents. They were incredibly helpful while here and I am so thankful for the way they were able to spend time with the kids and get to know them better.