Chase's 1st Birthday!
Can you believe Chase just turned 1 on Saturday? I know, I'm having a hard time believing it myself. We had the best time celebrating - I know I say that for pretty much every birthday post I put on here, but it's true. I guess we just know how to party!
We started the day by heading out to breakfast. It was Jake's idea and it was a fantastic one. We experienced the warmth and kindness of strangers who loved our family and we were so touched. Chase's eyes were as wide as saucers when the servers came out to sing him "Happy Birthday," it was priceless. He knew something special was going on for sure.
Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of our happy morning but Jake did snap one of Daniel - proof that he's actually hollow!
After Chase's nap (and several other things in between) we headed off to Out of This World Pizza. It was lots of fun! When we first got there all Chase wanted to do was people-watch (or kid-watch, as the case may be). We convinced him that eating was important too and then I took him over to play in the baby area:
This one has got to be my favorite!!
I made Magic Pumpkin Cake and it was a big hit with all the kids, especially the Birthday Boy!
We started the day by heading out to breakfast. It was Jake's idea and it was a fantastic one. We experienced the warmth and kindness of strangers who loved our family and we were so touched. Chase's eyes were as wide as saucers when the servers came out to sing him "Happy Birthday," it was priceless. He knew something special was going on for sure.
Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of our happy morning but Jake did snap one of Daniel - proof that he's actually hollow!
After Chase's nap (and several other things in between) we headed off to Out of This World Pizza. It was lots of fun! When we first got there all Chase wanted to do was people-watch (or kid-watch, as the case may be). We convinced him that eating was important too and then I took him over to play in the baby area:
This one has got to be my favorite!!
Then it was back home for presents, cake and ice cream. Somehow we managed to fit it all in before the birthday boy was all tuckered out and ready for bed - whew!
Chase is so lucky to have all those presents! And to have a daddy who can pull off a beard quite like Jake can ;)
I made Magic Pumpkin Cake and it was a big hit with all the kids, especially the Birthday Boy!