Times and Sorensens

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Very Dapper Valentine's

Here's the Valentine we sent out to family this year. Of course it came with some handmade creations featuring characters the boys have invented. We had so much fun putting this all together -- let's hear it for Valentine's 2012!

And the outtakes... most of these are worth viewing if only for Daniel's antics:

This one was the runner up for the card...

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Winter 2012 Recital

I wanted to post a few of the group pieces from Joshua and Daniel's violin recital that took place yesterday (I'm thinking I'll wait until the spring recital to post their solos...ask me if you're curious why).  The main reason I'm posting this segment is for the second piece you'll hear, a Celtic tune called 'Si Bheag Si Mhor' (pronounced Shih Beg Shih Moore (does that even help?!)).  As you'll hear Joshua explain, it translates into 'So Big, So Little.'

I really wish you could have been there to hear this piece in person, it was heavenly.  What with the acoustics of the room, the harmony, the back-up, the piano all blending together it sure made this momma teary eyed.  I particularly love this one not only for its beauty but also for the spiffy bowing and fingering that give it that real Celtic flavor.  I tried to get in close enough for you to see, but maybe it is only the type of thing a violin mom would notice or be interested in :).  I don't know if I could convey the feeling I had watching Joshua be a part of creating and contributing to such beauty but it is something I will always hold dear to say the least.

The Lineup
Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace)  you may recognize this one from the Christmas recital; it's a versatile piece, no?  This time they did it as a 3-part arrangement and Joshua gets to be part of the trio to finish it out.  The older girl in the trio even adds a little vibrato to class things up -- I was impressed!
Si Bheag Si Mhor see spiel above :)
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star prominently featuring Daniel!  He did a fantastic job at this, his very first recital.  We are very proud of him on several levels.  Thank you, Daniel!

I recommend turning your speakers UP!