Times and Sorensens

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Thursday, November 03, 2011

camo pants

Who says shopping for boys isn't fun (yes, I'm looking at you R.W. ;)  I'll grant that it's probably not as much fun as shopping for girls but I know for myself that it is fun in its own right.   Take these fleece camo pants I got over the week-end, for example.  Fleece camo pants!  Adorable!  And made doubly so when sported by a certain little mister ;)
The pants must've inspired this army-crawl!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween 2011

For Halloween this year we had a pair of Ninjas, a Knight in Shining Armor and a Baby Tiger.

I was so excited for Caden to wear this tiger costume.   Each of our babies has worn this costume for his first Halloween!

And here's a bonus pic!  Jake and I went to a party Friday night as Mr. and Mrs. Vampire.  I wish I could blame my lack of preparedness for this photo on the kids but no, it was all me.  I was trying to give our babysitter instructions on how to use the camera which she apparently didn't need.  But doesn't Jake look dashing in his cape?