Times and Sorensens

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Okay, that's enough...

To help break us in, Portland has apparently decided to provide us with WOUS: Weather Of Unusual Severity. The snow we got Sunday apparently happens once or twice a year, but it doesn't last more than a day, if that. However, this week has had below freezing temperatures all week so it froze and hung around, melting away just barely enough to drive yesterday. And now we're back with a whole new set of snow!

Of course we had to go play in it - there wasn't a choice, really, with those soft, inviting flakes coming down. Once it built up enough we joined almost all of our neighbors in the street to play. We have the steepest driveway on the block, so guess where the sledding was going on? The boys had a blast playing with the other kids in the snow until they got too cold and hungry. After lunch we let them loose in the backyard, and I remembered to take some pictures. In the above picture, Daniel's lower half is obscured by our elevated deck, not that you can tell what anything is because it's all white. The boys enjoyed lobbing snowballs over the fence:

Apparently the backyard is as fun with snow as it is in the summer when they can use the sandbox:

Daniel built the snowman (to his right) all by himself, even rolling the balls himself! I was very impressed.

Joshua built one too, which he said was "Snobody." I thought that was very clever, until he clarified that the snowman's name was "Snow Buddy."

Anyway, things warmed up just a bit too much and it all turned to slush tonight, which means in the sub-freezing temperatures of the next two days driving will be awful - we've already been warned about the "icy rain after snow" turning roads into a solid sheet of ice. It's so great to be able to work from home, especially when you can go out to enjoy the snow and work a little later when it's slushy.


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