Times and Sorensens

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Soothing Croak

For the last month we have frequently listened to a low rumble of croaking from the nearby creek as we fall asleep. The sound of many frogs croaking is much less jarring than this winter, when one in our bushes decided to serenade us in the off-season for several weeks. I've decided I like it better than crickets.

Leslie saw a tiny frog outside our garage one day, and I caught one in the backyard the night before Easter as we were setting out eggs for the next day's hunt. Leslie made me let it go before I saw what kind it was, but it was probably a Pacific Tree Frog like the first one I saw here:

My amphibian friends are welcome, as are the large variety of spiders and anything else that wants to control the local insect population.


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