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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fuzzy Brain

Lucas is now 10 weeks old and the lack of sleep from having a new baby caught up with me and ran me over long ago, leaving my brain feeling chronically fuzzy. I had kind of forgotten that this has not always been my normal state of being, but recently a few situations have reminded me that things have not always been way:

The other day Joshua asked me how a satellite works and I had nowhere near the energy or brainpower to come up with an answer for him. Ditto for a question Daniel asked me about rainbows. According to all those parenting books and magazines I used to read I am supposed to take each question seriously and if I don't know the answer I am supposed to take them to a museum so we can figure it out together. Suffice it to say I didn't have the energy to schlep all three kids (well, two kids and an infant, really, which is a whole different ballgame) to a museum that day. Bad mom.

I am currently reading The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East and am having the darndest time keeping all of the unfamiliar sounding names straight. I recently finished Three Cups of Tea and ran into the same problem there. My brain does not seem capable of differentiating very well between the unfamiliar names let alone what event each name is attached to. Fortunately it is a very interesting read and I continue to muddle my way through it.

I was talking with another mom at Daniel's preschool the other day and for the life of me could not remember the words "scapegoat" or "opaque" when called for during the conversation (don't ask). It was pretty depressing.

Anyway, here is a recent picture of the little guy who is making my brain so fuzzy as of late. Good thing he makes my heart pretty fuzzy too :)


Blogger James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

Wow, he is stinkin cute - and I hear you about the fuzzy brain thing. It's a good thing so many others go through the same thing, so they can relate instead of thinking we're just crazy!!

3/26/2009 5:48 PM  
Blogger Linn said...

He is so cute! And good luck with the fuzzy brain. I thought it would be gone after a year, but I am afraid it may be here to stay. Permanently.

3/27/2009 7:20 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

He is so cute!!! I know exactly what the "fuzzy" is.

3/27/2009 8:29 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

I promise it gets better! I'm completely adjusted to 3 now- you too will survive...!!!

3/27/2009 4:06 PM  
Blogger A | E said...

Lucas look so much like Jayne here! I love it! Hope you had a happy happy birthday!

3/30/2009 11:19 AM  
Blogger Debby said...

Have you read The Mommy Brain by Katherine Ellison? Great book on how the fuzzy brain is actually making us smarter! I enjoyed it....made me feel a little better about being so scatter-headed.

4/06/2009 1:19 PM  
Blogger Holladay Duplex said...

Hi Leslie,

I don't know if you remember me, but I was in your ward in San Diego! Anyway, I had a baby almost 3 months ago and am still feeling totally fuzzy...so got on the computer and googled "mommy fuzzy brain" and YOURS was the first google response! I'm really glad I'm not the only one! But it's also fun to read your cute blog to see what you guys have been up to. Have a great day!

7/22/2009 10:03 AM  

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